

I always find it hard to go to sleep when something crowds my mind. Random stuff : I prefer cream spaghetti to tomato-sauced ones and I prefer sponge cake with chocolate rice around the side to rich, elegant, Secret-Recipe-liked ones.

Have I told you? I think finding a job is like finding your soulmate. The status of the company or the pay don't really matter. As long as you like it. Because there will always be time when things got tough, and still the thing that keeps you going is your passion on it. But after failing interviews, I keep questioning myself, was I meant to do this from the start? What if I like engineering but I was not meant to do it. Maybe I'm better off doing something else, though I can't imagine something else that I would be good at. Or even like doing at all.
I am being negative, am I not?

You'll understand how it feels when you are 24 years old, fighting for job and surrounded by people who are still struggling for their grades.


Maybe I am really just good at answering questions on exam papers.



tinylittlehanna said...

I think you good at writing.Try to write a book.Maybe boleh jadi macam penulis buku twilight.Seorang suri rumah je.