Coffee and Machines


Does getting to know coffee and coffee machines involve trying every single coffee at coffee beans ek? Coz I am more than happy to do so. Haha. Honestly, saya rasa sangat happy knowing we are making coffee machine this semester. Yayy. At least it is something I have interest in. Unlike some IOS arm in some dental clinic. Tapi still have zero idea of how I'm going to build an army of transformers that can fight enemies, defend themselves, climb some hills and ring a bell. Isn't that kind of too much for a second year ek? And how come the juniors and seniors got an easier task?

I have make up class on 5, 19 and 26th September. Make up di situ bermaksud kelas tambahan. BUKAN kelas belajar bersolek. Ya, saya tahu saya tinggal lebih kurang 180 hari untuk kelihatan dewasa, tapi pun belum berasa nak belajar bersolek.

Eh eh. Rupanya baru hari Khamis lah bukan. Belum sampai seminggu pun meninggalkan Malaysia. Kenapakah berasa sangat macam sudah lama.

Ok. Perlu ke Itaewon membeli keperluan sedikit. Jumpa kamu nanti.
