


Ok. Saya betul2 tak tau what gets to me sebenarnye. But lately, most of the time sy rasa kepala saya sangat penuh dengan benda untuk difikirkan. Dan saya pun tak tau ape yang saya fikir. Cume terasa kepala berat amat. And half of the time I did something subconsciously. Something yang bile saya fikir balik what was I thinking waktu saya buat sesuatu itu, I just can't remember.

And I start to have short-term memory loss. A few days ago I put the house key on my comforter when I was searching for my birth certificate and I forgot about it. And when papa asked me where is the key, my so-called half-photographic memories only recalled seeing it on something fabric. But I couldn't remember that the fabric thing is my comforter. Then I remember seeing a black scissors somewhere but couldn't remember exactly where so I searched everywhere inside mama's room when the scissors is actually next to the TV.

Am I actually driving myself insane ek?


Deo said...

Hi, salam... came across your blog while blog-hopping... hahah macam mana ni time holiday boleh buntu kepala... take it easy lah, think of wonderful things, nice pictures, beautiful places, happy people... or in other words, use your mind to attract positive energy. selamat bercuti!