PPSMI : My View
Sebab Farini malas buat design sekarang, maka bagi saya tulis blog dulu. Hahah. Hey Farini, sebelum saya mengcrush your dream to buy Omnia HD, baik pergi siapkan timbunan homework lah!
Semalam birthday Mama. Mengenangkan semua orang tengah berseronok celebrate, saya seorang tak senang duduk. Woh wah. Jadi saya pergi tidur pada jam 9.50. Dan bangun jam 9.50 pagi ni. Macam ni ada hati nak Omnia. Sebenarnya dah bangun sejak jam 6 lebih. Tapi perut sangat lapar. Maka pergi tidur dan bermimpi makan. Er makan apa tah dalam mimpi. Bangun tidur perut lapar lagi. Farini sangat pelik, no?
Semalam baca dari blog Tun Mahathir tentang PPSMI. Isu hangat kan? Let's just say, I'm against it. I do realize the importance of English and how it can help the development of the country, but still forcing kids to learn Science and Maths in English just seem not right. There are other more efficient ways to learn the language.
Tinggal serumah dengan dua guru dari dua sekolah kampung buat saya berpijak di bumi nyata. Tolong menanda buku latihan budak sekolah buat saya rasa hendak berguling muntah. Obviously if they can't even get their own mother's tongue right, how do you suppose will they get English right? When not even their parents can speak it. Do NOT tell me about those orang kampung yang berjaya etc etc, we are talking about more of them who don't. And sekarang not only are they bad at English, they are even bad at Science and Maths as well.
Two, admit it that our teachers are not ready themselves. It's like ketam mengajar anak berjalan. No offences to our teachers, but teaching language isn't something anybody can do. Satu chapter yang boleh habis dalam a few week mungkin, will take more than it used to sebab cikgu kena take efforts terangkan everything in English.
Three, may I know dari mana idea ni datang lagi sekali? Oh sorry I don't really know who suggested the idea, but have you ever tried teaching yourself? I don't mean going to school visiting kids, I mean taking years of effort to make them learn.
A lot of university students have been supporting the issues, I know. But let's just say it is where you stand that matters. You stand among the smart ones, having booked yourself a place in future, of course bagi kamu it's nothing. Dan kamu rasa competitive to be able to learn your subjects in the language. It's what we call relative view. Tapi serasa saya, alasan yang digunapakai di tv tempoh hari yang mengatakan takut pelajar yang belajar di luar negara tak boleh bertutur dalam bahasa Inggeris macam alasan entah apa-apa. Come on lah. Bukan those students go through English interviews ke before selected. Er and don't take me wrong. Saya bukanlah seorang Melayu yang taknak membangunkan bangsa sendiri atau apa. Saya bukanlah seorang Melayu yang takut bahasa sendiri lupus. Neither am I a Melayu yang sentiasa berfikiran negatif dan takut bersaing ke apa. Just that my life offers me two perspectives. One from the view of a Korea University student. Another one is from the view of the kids at Kampung Parit Lapis. Speaking and putting forth a good idea is easy, but as long as you fail to implement it, it will just remain an idea. In your design notebook (?)
Again my stand is English is reaaaaaalllllyyyy important. But forcing KIDS to learn Science and Maths in the language may not be the best way.
And oh btw English is important here too. A lot of schools hire foreign teachers to teach English. A lot of parents send their children abroad to study English during the breaks. But no, there's no such thing as teaching Science and Maths in English. Is that the reason why kelas Chemistry yang taught in English ada average marks yang lower than kelas Chemistry yang taught in Korean? But then again ilmu tak boleh dihadkan dengan bahasa kan? That just proved that it doesn't really matter what the language used is as long as the students got the knowledge.
I think solution yang Mama and Moshitta bagi will work better. Those students yang ada the ability to do it may go to some special school and do it, and those who don't may remain learning it in their mother's tongue and go learn it in English when they are ready enough.
Ok Farini dah crapping. Pergi mandi dan siapkan Integrated Design sana!