Back at Seoul City
Hi I'm back at Seoul city.
And as much as I hate packing, I hate unpacking too.
No more slow youtube streaming.
No more typing long ids and passwords, I now am on my on PERSONAL computer.
No more having to put up with a particular person's snaps and rolling-eyes.
The one thing I noticed about myself this summer.
I am supposed to be an engineer.
I am practical.
When you give me an order, just tell me what you want me to do.
You don't have to elaborate on what you feel on the matter and nag your head off and find 1001 excuses to win the argument.
Save that for yourself cause I don't care.
Tell me what you want to be done, and I'm going to do it the simplest, fastest, best way I can.
And if you are not satisfied with it, then go do it all over again yourself.
And what's with the selfish thing again? I wonder how could you just see yourself in everything, everywhere, every single second.
Unlike you, my life is not a photo wholly of myself. It's a jigsaw puzzle. Its pieces are those people that surrounds me; from my family to that security guard that man the information booth at hana square. Each one of their feelings matter if I am to give my life the best I could.
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