Engineer of Life

Engineer of Life


I know ADM (Advanced Machine Design) punya deadline untuk design note is less than 9 hours away and I haven't written a single thing yet, tapi I just need to blog. There's so much to say and share.

Semalam telah mendesign wardrobe secara habis-habisan. Walaupun telah give up di hujungnya. Tapi saya sangat suka. Sebab semalam sehari suntuk tak berperasaan dan tak berfikir perkara yang kurang signifikan. I was too busy with Pro E that nothing else bothers me much.

Ok mari share one thing yang saya rasa kalau tak tulis sekarang nanti akan lupa nak tulis. Life from the view of an engineer. Er mechanical engineer, I should say. Siapa tahulah kan budak chemical dengan eee blaja apa.

Well, in Mechanism Design we do learn that all the body in space may have up to six degree of freedom. And there are always joints that constraint the body to have less than six degree of freedom. Question is, kenapakah nak constraint body tersebut? Bukankah lagi banyak degree of freedom lagi senang digerakkan? Answer is, without joints the body won't be functioning the way we desire it to be. It is with constraint that we control the body to move the way we want it to move and reach the point where we want to reach. It goes the same way in life. Hukum agama itu sudah tentu, undang-undang dan peraturan juga berfungsi sebagai joints yang sangat-sangat diperlukan dalam hidup kita. So that we'll function correctly. Supaya kita berjaya capai apa yang kita mahu. Supaya kita tak bersepah-sepah di sana sini tak tentu hala.

Di sana sini orang merungut pasal pressure lah bukan? Semua orang tak suka dipressure oleh orang lain. Tahukah sebenarnya badan kamu menanggung tekanan yang besar pada setiap hari. I mean it. Badan kamu menanggung tekanan 1 atm setiap hari. 1 atm tak nampak besar lah bukan. Tahukah 1 atm itu approximately 101 325Pa. Which kalau divided by gravitational acceleration is more than 10 000kg per meter square. Berapa meter square badan kamu, itu kira sendiri. Tapi kamu menanggung berat lebih 10 000kg bagi setiap meter square badan kamu. See kan sangat berat. Dan sangat besar pressure tersebut. Tapi kamu need the pressure. Why? Sebab kalau kamu tak mahu pressure tersebut, pergilah ke angkasaraya sana. Angkasaraya walaupun bukan 100% vacuum tapi dah cukup untuk tunjuk apa akan jadi pada kamu without pressure tersebut. You'll explode. Truth is you need the pressure to keep yourself together, to keep it from being destroyed. Setiap apa yang kamu rasa tekanan dalam hidup sebenarnya ialah sesuatu untuk keep kamu together. Jadi jangan memandang ia sebagai sesuatu yang berat ke apa. Live with it, just like you lived all your life with the atmospheric pressure and one day you won't feel it there at all, just like you don't feel the atmospheric pressure that surrounds you.

We learnt efficiency of open system today during thermo class. Tahukah efficiency in real life is always lower than 1. Well at least if you're dealing with engineering stuff. Budak business bukankah boleh ada untung 200-300%. Tahukah at most situation the reason why you can't get 100% efficiency is because the existence of friction. Haha. Kita kan selalu kalau tulis report lab fizik mesti menyalahkan friction kalau ada error. Tak kisah la error kecik ke besar. Dari portion energy yang masuk, cuma sebahagian saja akan keluar menjadi work. A lot of the time that is what happen in real life. We don't really get as much as we work hard for kan? Because of the existence of friction. Apakah friction yang dimaksudkan dalam real life kita? Well that's up to you. I have my own thought of what the friction of my life is, but I'm not sharing. All I can say is that let us be a good engineer and minimize the friction so as to get higher efficiency.

Yayy. Now I'm an engineer of life :)



moshitta said...

fuh.pnh ilmiah.mempraktikkn subject engineering dlm kehidupan seharian.trskn~ =)